My anticipation for the move down under is not strictly limited to things within the Memphis city limits. As if the city didn't have enough to offer us, it also provides close proximity to many temptations which tickle our fancy. Such as Dayton, TN (a mere five hour road trip) home of my personal favorite trial of the 20th century- the Scopes "Monkey" trial, which in 1925 dealt a considerable blow to faith in the age old battle of science vs. faith, in a showdown between Charles Darrow and William Jennings Bryan. Bryan actually died a few days after the trial, during which he spent much of his time wandering the town of Dayton in a pith helmet. You'd better believe each June will find ourselves at the town's yearly reenactment of the trial.
And on our way to Dayton we can stop in Bell Buckle, TN for their annual RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival. Lordy, lordy. The mister just experienced his first Moon Pie, a lemon one from a gas station in Arkansas. Growing up they were only sold around these parts for Halloween which understandibly led to the hoarding of the precious orange frosted Moon Pies.
Only two and a half hours will separate us from Loretta Lynn's Hurricane Mills plantation. We were fortunate enough to see Ms. Loretta perform in the spring of 2008, complete with lavender taffeta ball gown. The only disappointment was that her granddaughter sang Rated X instead of Retty. Brought a tear to my eye.
Of course on the subject of country music one cannot forget Dollywood and that other city in the middle of Tennessee. We'd never want to live in rhinestone country, but we'd sure like to visit and probably often. Two things have shaped my narrow beliefs on said city, the first being a startling expose of a book found at a thrift store called "Nashville Babylon," the second being that I once read a blog of a person living in Nashville who said that they saw Vince Gill grocery shopping in an ascot. I'll keep my country where it belongs (in the 1970s and prior) thankyouverymuch.
Lastly Nawlins is but a six hour drive or a short Amtrak ride. I have a love an hate relationship with Nawlins because I tend to see things in black and white terms and to me it's as if Las Vegas took a shit all over Charleston. I like my Las Vegas in Vegas and my Charleston in Charleston, but I am working on reconciling my issues and hope to someday accept Nawlins for the filthy gem it is.
Better-For-You Homemade Granola
3 days ago
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